MacHack 1996
MacHack 1996.toast
Presentations ’94
Timothy Knox
Pocket DA
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95 lines
; This file is: dInterp.txt -- interpreter and compiler
; Mon Apr 25, 1988 15:11:43 macros
; Wed Apr 27, 1988 12:30:07 v 1.4
; Thu Jul 04, 1991 05:20:00 add open control key
; Sat Aug 08, 1992 19:07:00 add floating point numbers
; Fri May 28, 1993 22:54:00 add \
inKey: ; ( key.data -- )
BTST #0,evtMeta(A0) ; is the command key down?
BEQ.S @0
CMPI.B #'v',1(PS) ; is the key 'v'?
BNE.S @4 ; if so then
ADDQ #2,PS ; drop the ASCII and ...
JMP paste-base(BP) ; ... interpret from clipboard
@4: CMPI.B #'o',1(PS) ; is the key 'o'?
BNE.S @0 ; if not skip ahead.
JMP open-base(BP) ; get and interpret file
@0: JSR TextNormal-base(BP) ; set font, mode and size
_ObscureCursor ; hide the mouse cursor
JSR NoCurs-base(BP) ; erase the cursor
MOVE (PS)+,D0 ; retrieve the key data
CMPI.B #CR,D0 ; is the character a CR
BEQ.S Interpret ; if so: interpret the line
CMPI.B #BS,D0 ; is the character a backspace?
BNE.S @1
TST.B Counter ; rubout the previous character
BLE.S @3 ; if count > 0 then
SUBQ.B #1,Counter ; decrement count
MOVE.B #BL,0(IS,Counter) ; in buffer and ...
JSR doDel-base(BP)
JSR Space-base(BP) ; on terminal
JSR doDel-base(BP)
BRA.S @3
@1: CMPI.B #80,Counter ; is the buffer full
BEQ.S @2 ; then just emit it
MOVE.B D0,0(IS,Counter.W) ; stash the char into the buffer
ADDQ #1,Counter ; increment char count
@2: JSR EmitCode-base(BP) ; emit the character
@3: RTS
Interpret: ; interpret a line of code
JSR doCR-base(BP) ; emit the CR
MOVE.B #0,1(IS,Counter.W) ; plant a null in the buffer
Main: JSR token-Base(BP) ; get the next word
MOVE Dict,-(PS) ; push pointer to last name
JSR search-Base(BP) ; find current token in dictionary
TST (PS)+ ; found NOT IF,
BEQ.S TestNum ; ... assume its a number
BCLR #7,fimmed-base(BP) ; ELSE, immediate? IF
BNE.S GoDo ; ... do it
TST.B fcolon-base(BP) ; ELSE, compiling? NOT IF,
BEQ.S GoDo ; ... do it
BCLR #7,fmacro-base(BP) ; ELSE, macro? IF
BNE.S domc
JSR compile-base(BP) ; ELSE, compile a JSR to it
BRA.S Main
godo: JSR execute-base(BP)
JSR StkChk-base(BP)
BRA.S Main
domc: JSR mcomp-base(BP)
BRA.S Main
TestNum: ; Test the token for integer or floating point numberness.
JSR here-base(BP) ; get the relative address of token
JSR number-base(BP) ; convert it to a value, if posible
TST (PS)+ ; was it?
BEQ.S testfloat ; if not, test for floating point
TST.B fcolon-base(BP) ; else, are you compiling?
BEQ.S Main ; if not, leave it on the stack
JSR Literal-base(BP) ; else, compile it as a literal
BRA.S Main ; then, get on with it
TestFloat: ; It's not an integer, try floating point.
BCLR #7,fneg-base(BP) ; Is it a negative number?
BEQ.S @0
MOVE.B #$2D,1(A2) ; put in a negative sign
@0: MOVE.L A2,-(PS)
JSR fnum-base(BP) ; do the conversion (handles error)
TST.B fcolon-base(bp) ; if compiling, leave ...
BEQ.S Main ; ... it on the stack.
JSR flit-base(BP) ; else flit it
BRA.S Main
; ----- Dictionary follows ---------